
Archive for the ‘Ubuntu 7.04’ Category

Ubuntu 7.04 has been released

April 21, 2007 Leave a comment

Right, old news… I’ve been meaning to write this a few days back, but I was caught up with work and family.

So you already know that Ubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn) has been released, and their servers were overwhelmed by the download demands. Probably easing off by now.

The question is, should I upgrade from Ubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft) or 6.06 LTS? Looking at the feature list, I would say:

Yes, if you are a desktop user with need for better wireless networking support, and tired of hunting for the right codec for your media file. Otherwise, sticking with 6.10 might be a better idea if you are weary from upgrade exercises for the time being. I am tired of upgrading and making sure that all my development environments are properly set up, so I’ll be sticking with 6.10 for the time being.

Yes, if you are using a server with virtualization requirements. Other server packages like Postfix, Postgres, MySQL, Apache, etc… can be upgraded and installed if you are an administrator worth your salt.

Yes, if you have a laptop that’s not exerting its full functionalities with the older Ubuntus. The new versions usually have better driver supports for laptops. But I advise you to do a more comprehensive check against what’s supported before you do the upgrade.  Or boot up your laptop with its LiveCD, and check if it works well.
Yes, if you are installing it for the first time! What doubts do you have? Surely, you wouldn’t go for the older versions if the new one is supposed to be better. Unless you are comparing against other operating systems, which is not the point here.

My comments are made WITHOUT trying out Ubuntu 7.04. You still have to make your own better judgement on whether to upgrade to Ubuntu 7.04. There’s always those little parts here and there that requires you to figure things out. I suspect that they still exists, but that’s part of the fun.

Categories: Ubuntu 7.04